No One’s Coming To Save You
No one's coming to save you.
A friend of mine said this to me at the start of the pandemic.
My chest gets tight when I remember how I felt. I think I was getting ready to unload my anxieties. I wanted to tell her too many humans were sharing my space and that I felt like I couldn’t catch my breath.
She wasn’t being harsh. She had heard these words on a podcast and was passing it on to me. She had heard these words on a podcast and was passing it on to me. She said if I'm the one holding the tension, then I have the responsibility to seek help and find a solution. No one else.
I use this as a mantra now. Sometimes I still vent about my bad day as soon as my husband comes through the door. Other days I tell him about how I solved for my own challenges. The mantra seems to help.
I'm also 100% an under-functioner. When anxiety or stress makes my brain scrambled, I have a hard time focusing on solutions. I could stare for hours just ruminating.
And it still takes me too long to realize I need to ask for help. But when I don’t, the burden falls on my friends and family to make me feel better when I vent. Or I waste absurd amounts of time Googling things. Seriously my Google history is embarrassing.
So, I go back to the mantra. No one is coming to save me.
I say it in hopes it’ll break the chain of catastrophic thoughts and make me do something. Solve instead of sit.
And since you know I’m going to relate this to fitness in some way…
If you find yourself ruminating, venting or googling about your own weight loss, diet, health or exercise, it might be time to outsource. For some things, you can consult Google. For exercise and nutrition, there’s just too much misinformation. You need a guide. Someone who’s knowledgeable, who can help you wade through it all and give you a clear plan.
You hire specialists for so many things in your life that aren’t your core competencies. It’s ok and smart to do that for exercise and nutrition too. But you have to decide to take the first step to invest in yourself.
Because no one's coming to save you. You have to do that on your own.
If you feel ready, I’d love to help. You can fill out the application for coaching here, or send me an email with any questions.
Chat soon.